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How to Convert JDK8 GC Log Flags to JDK9 with Unified Logging:


JDK9 introduced unified logging for all JDK9 components. It provides a way for the users to configure the content of the logs. Since all the logs follow the unified format, it would make parsing easier.

Users might have some difficulty finding the right tags and levels in JDK9, especially when migrating from JDK8. 

This post provides some basic back ground about unified logging in JDK9, and tags and levels in JDK9 corresponding to JDK8 flags for GC logging.

JDK9 Unified Logging:

With a JDK9 build, you can logging help by "java -Xlog:help". Here is the output from the command

./bin/java -Xlog:help
-Xlog Usage: -Xlog[:[what][:[output][:[decorators][:output-options]]]]
where 'what' is a combination of tags and levels on the form tag1[+tag2...][*][=level][,...]
Unless wildcard (*) is specified, only log messages tagged with exactly the tags specified will be matched.

Available log levels:
 off, trace, debug, info, warning, error

Available log decorators: 
 time (t), utctime (utc), uptime (u), timemillis (tm), uptimemillis (um), timenanos (tn), uptimenanos (un), hostname (hn), pid (p), tid (ti), level (l), tags (tg)
 Decorators can also be specified as 'none' for no decoration.

Available log tags:
 add, age, alloc, aot, annotation, arguments, attach, barrier, biasedlocking, blocks, bot, breakpoint, census, class, classhisto, cleanup, compaction, constraints, constantpool, coops, cpu, cset, data, defaultmethods, dump, ergo, exceptions, exit, fingerprint, freelist, gc, hashtables, heap, humongous, ihop, iklass, init, itables, jni, jvmti, liveness, load, loader, logging, mark, marking, methodcomparator, metadata, metaspace, mmu, modules, monitorinflation, monitormismatch, nmethod, normalize, objecttagging, obsolete, oopmap, os, pagesize, patch, path, phases, plab, promotion, preorder, protectiondomain, ref, redefine, refine, region, remset, purge, resolve, safepoint, scavenge, scrub, stacktrace, stackwalk, start, startuptime, state, stats, stringdedup, stringtable, stackmap, subclass, survivor, sweep, task, thread, tlab, time, timer, update, unload, verification, verify, vmoperation, vtables, workgang, jfr, system, parser, bytecode, setting, event
 Specifying 'all' instead of a tag combination matches all tag combinations.

Described tag combinations:
 logging: Logging for the log framework itself

Available log outputs:
 stdout, stderr, file=<filename>
 Specifying %p and/or %t in the filename will expand to the JVM's PID and startup timestamp, respectively.

Some examples:
Log all messages using 'info' level to stdout with 'uptime', 'levels' and 'tags' decorations.
(Equivalent to -Xlog:all=info:stdout:uptime,levels,tags).

Log messages tagged with 'gc' tag using 'info' level to stdout, with default decorations.

Log messages tagged with 'gc' tag using 'debug' level to file 'gc.txt' with no decorations.

Log messages tagged with 'gc' tag using 'trace' level to a rotating fileset of 5 files of size 1MB,
using the base name 'gctrace.txt', with 'uptimemillis' and 'pid' decorations.

Log messages tagged with 'gc' tag using 'info' level to output 'stdout', using 'uptime' and 'tid' decorations.

Log messages tagged with at least 'gc' using 'info' level, but turn off logging of messages tagged with 'safepoint'.
(Messages tagged with both 'gc' and 'safepoint' will not be logged.)

 -Xlog:disable -Xlog:safepoint=trace:safepointtrace.txt
Turn off all logging, including warnings and errors,
and then enable messages tagged with 'safepoint' using 'trace' level to file 'safepointtrace.txt'.

JDK8 GC Logging Flags to JDK9 Tags and Levels:

Here I listed the most commonly used GC logging flags for JDK8, JDK9 tags and levels and some examples:

JDK8 JDK9 description
-XX:+PrintGC -Xloggc:<filename> -Xlog:gc:<filename> Log messages tagged with 'gc' tag using 'info' level to stdout, with default decorations.
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:<filename> -Xlog:gc=info print GC Detail.
old: prints phases, cputime, heap sizes
ul: can print those separately as controlled by the tag.

-Xlog:gc=info,phases*=debug add detailed phases info
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+G1SummarizeRSetStats -XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod=<n> -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:G1SummarizeRSetStatsPeriod=<n> -Xlog:gc=info,remset*=trace:<filename> Print remember set memory footprint, and table usage statistics. This could be an expensive operation
-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -Xloggc:<filename> -Xlog:gc=info,heap*=info,phases*=debug,gc+age=debug:<filename>
Age distribution in survivor space
-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xloggc:<filename> -Xlog:gc=info,gc+ergo*=debug:$log_dir/gc.log information related to ergonomic decision makeing, such as CSET and IHOP
-XX:+PrintTLAB -Xlog:gc=info,gc+tlab=debug:$log_dir/gc.log - prints total
-Xlog:gc=info,gc+tlab=trace:$log_dir/gc.log - prints per thread info
-XX:PrintPLAB -Xlog:gc=info,gc+plab=debug:$log_dir/gc.log PLAB
-XX:G1SummarizeConcMark -Xlog:gc=info,gc+marking=trace:$log_dir/gc.log print marking statistics when jvm exit
-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:G1TraceConcRefinement -Xlog:gc=info,gc+refine=debug:$log_dir/gc.log print when refinement threads are activated/deactivated
-XX:+PrintReferenceGC -Xlog:gc=info,gc+ref=debug:$log_dir/gc.log reference processing data
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime -Xlog:gc=info,safepoint=info:$log_dir/gc.log
-Xlog:gc=info,safepoint=debug:$log_dir/gc.log - with per thread state
safepoint: type of safepoint, how long to reach the safepoint


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