A lot of our performance tests are driven by gatling. When moving our tests to Google cloud, we face a lot of questions. One of them is how to manage the life cycle of the test. First, we need to generate the .csv file as the feeder to the gatling test. Second, we need to know when the test is finished. Third, we need to retrieve the results from the cloud.
According to Distributed load testing with Gatling and Kubernetes, a Kubernetes Job should be used. While this blog provides good information, I still need to figure out how to create the feeder .csv and share it with gatling script. Using InitContainers to pre-populate Volume data in Kubernetes
provides me another piece of information.
In this blog post, I will show you my experiment of creating a Kubernetes job to drive performance workload with Gatling.
Create Feeder script:
My gatling script reads the feeder .csv (benchmark.csv). I have a python script generating the benchmark.csv file.
Gatling Script:
Here is my gatling script ManUsersCreatePut.scala. Some of the environment variables can be set from java command line.
class ManUsersCreatePut extends Simulation {
// Get Params
val concurrency: Integer = Integer.getInteger("concurrency", 10)
val warmup: Integer = Integer.getInteger("warmup", 10)
val idmHost: String = System.getInteger("idm_host", "")
val idmPort: String = System.getProperty("idm_port", "443")
val idmProtocol: String = System.getProperty("idm_protocol", "http")
val duration: Integer = Integer.getInteger("duration", 60).toInt
val csvfile = System.getProperty("csvfile", "bench.csv")
val idmUrl: String = idmProtocol + "://" + idmHost + ":" + idmPort
val httpProtocol: HttpProtocolBuilder = http
.header("X-OpenIDM-Username", "openidm-admin")
.header("X-OpenIDM-Password", "openidm-admin")
.disableCaching // without this nginx ingress starts returning 412
// Get Data
val userData = ssv(csvfile).queue
val scn = scenario("IDM Create Managed Users")
.during (duration) {
.exec(http("Create Managed Users Put")
"givenName" : "${givenname}",
"sn" : "${familyname}",
"mail" : "${email}",
"telephoneNumber" : "444-444-4444",
"password" : "${password}",
"description" : "Managed User",
"userName" : "${username}"
Kubernetes ConfigMap:
I used configMap to load the python script ( and Gatling script (ManUsersCreatePut.scala) to the Google cluster. This is a temporary work around.
Create configmap:
kubectl create configmap prepare-work \
--from-file=<path>/feeder/ \
Before you begin, you should have a basic understanding of Kubernetes Job.Kubernetes Job:
With Job, we can create feeder .csv file during initContainer, create multiple pods running gatling scripts, and reading from the same feeder file, and the pod is in 'Complete' state when the job is done.
Here is my gatling-job.yaml:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: gatling-test
name: test
- name: config-volume
configMap: ------ 1
name: prepare-work
- name: tmp-data ------ 2
path: /tmp
type: Directory
- name: feeder
image: python:alpine3.7 ------ 4
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: config-volume ------ 5
mountPath: /etc/gatling-data
- name: tmp-data ------ 6
mountPath: /tmp
command: [ "python", "/etc/gatling-data/" ] ------ 7
args: [ "-p", "/tmp/preload.csv", "-b", "/tmp/bench.csv", "-m", "10", "-n", "3000"]
- name: gatling-run
image: --- 3
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ------ 8
- /bin/bash
- -c
- cp /etc/gatling-data/ManUsersCreatePut.scala /opt/gatling/user-files/simulations/ &&
JAVA_OPTS="-Dcsvfile=/tmp/bench.csv -Didm_host=openidm -Didm_port=80" -s ManUsersCreatePut
- name: config-volume ------ 9
mountPath: /etc/gatling-data
- name: tmp-data ------ 10
mountPath: /tmp
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 1
1 - use configMap prepare-work as volumn config-volumn
5,9 - for initContainer and container, mount config-volumn at /etc/gatling-data
2 - volumn tmp-data is defined so that both initContainer and container can access directory /tmp
6,10 - for initContainer and container, mount tmp-data at /tmp
4 - pull python to initContainer
7 - call to generate feeder file at /tmp/bench.csv
3 - pull gatling image to container
8 - copy gatling script to /opt/gating/user-files/simulations. Then call gatling. Please note the environment variables are set by JAVA_OPTS
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